Have you ever asked yourself why some of our Young Living members do so well while others seem to disappear off the grid? Everyone starts at the same point, with the same information, and the same guidelines. So, what happens? There are several reasons that make some people very successful.
Successful entrepreneurs have several common traits that I want to share with you. You probably share many of these traits, however, there may be some that you haven’t even thought of yet.
Successful people tend to do the following:
They schedule their time carefully. Everything goes on the calendar. Multitasking, while many say that they thrive doing this, is not something that successful people tend to do. Instead they focus on one important task at a time. All attention is aimed on the task that has the biggest impact on their business.
Put family as a priority
Highly successful entrepreneurs make sure they know what is important in life, and unless they are travelling, make sure that there is always time for family. This helps them keep perspective. Remember, work will always be there.
Keep a notebook handy
Many highly successful people keep a notebook handy. You never know when you are working on a particular task that something else will pop into your head. Don’t lose the thought. Write it down. This is also a very helpful method if you are one of those people who can’t unwind from the day when it is time to sleep. Pulling your thoughts out of your head and placing them on paper helps to settle your mind.
Process e-mails 1-2 times a day
You may think that e-mail is critical to your business, however, there is no need to check it more than a couple of times each day. Remember, if the information is important to your business, you will get a telephone call. Check it in the morning and before you leave for the evening and you will find a lot more time available during the day.
Let other people do what they are good at
Do you have someone who likes to write blogs? Let them do it. Have someone who is terrific at holding classes? Go for it! Team them up with someone who hates holding a class but is great at social media. Together they can make a difference. You’ve got many people in your organization who have special talents. Focus on those talents and help them with the things that they are as talented at doing.
One good way to get started each morning is to write down the three most important things that you want to accomplish each day. Don’t pick things like reading your email or figuring out what to post on social media. These daily goals should be items that will move your business forward. For instance, three daily goals for me could be:
- Plan my weekly call topic for my leader’s call
- Farmer’s Market-Determine the recipe for the farmer’s market cooking demo and who will demo it. Verify the next month’s schedule. Verify handouts, samples, and supplies.
- Calendar all classes/events that my team has scheduled for the next month. Look for holes in the schedule, who needs assistance etc.
You may wonder how someone can get all of this accomplished in one day. Well, highly successful people tend to wake up early and take advantage of the early morning hours. They also tend to keep positive on all of their activities. In other words, they aren’t afraid to tell themselves “Good job!” or “Today will be a great day!” They move ahead no matter what setbacks occur. This is one of the most challenging things to accomplish.
Everyone has the opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur. Who are the most successful people that you have seen with Young Living? One of our great successes is D. Gary Young. Here’sThe Foundation of Your Business a commentary by Gary about building your business based on your beliefs and your abilities.