Being an entrepreneur is an exciting adventure, which, at the beginning consumes your energy, attention and time. Often, once the initial excitement of new products and a fast-paced business has slowed down and life starts to return to your more normal routines, you may think that you made a mistake, or wonder why you decided to have your own business.
If you are like most people, there are moments when your motivation lulls and you may experience a level of frustration. This is especially true if you have left the corporate world as an employee and made the leap to having your own business. As an entrepreneur, any situation that impacts your business can also impact your life and vice versa. It is not unusual for people to second guess their decision on why they started their own business. Motivating yourself and your team through these normal feelings is challenging at times.
It is easy to stay motivated and get others excited when all is going well. The challenge that we are all up to meeting, is to keep being motivated when we want to quit or slow down.
Here are some ways to motivate yourself and your team through the challenging times.
We already know that Young Living offers great products, service and support for all members, so your first item to work on is:
Remember why you became a member of Young Living
Think back to what made you start your business. Revisit your original reasons for using essential oils and get excited again. Remind yourself and your team by sharing why you became a member. Engaging friends and fellow members in your excitement will re-ignite your previous passion for your business.
Focus on positive thoughts
When your motivation ebbs, it is easy to think negative thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking or saying, “Why did I start this business?” or “This takes too much time/money/etc.” It is time to readjust your thinking to “I started this business because _____________.” Or, I’m investing my time/money because I believe in the products and my ability to share this exciting adventure.
Set a schedule
Plan regular hours for doing business. If you keep a crazy schedule without regular hours, you are more inclined to lose your motivation. Planning specific times to work will help you plan your free time too. Block out your work time and stick to it.
Take a break
Refresh your mind and body by planning time to meet with friends, take a vacation and separating personal time from business time. Everyone needs a break from time to time. The most successful business people make sure that they allow time to recharge.
You may be thinking that leaders can never have down time. Not true! Everyone suffers that motivational downswing periodically. What you do when you begin to lack motivation can make a difference in the success of your business. Blending your lifestyle and livelihood takes talent. Encourage your team members to follow these tips if they hit a lull. If you need to be reminded of what success looks like, go to Member Moments and see what key members have to say.